renoveroHandwerkerverzeichnisMischo Transport GmbHHaus in Bottmingen

Haus in Bottmingen

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Alena N.
„The price estimate was wrong and we paid a much higher price in the end, which was fine, because we could see how many hours and how much paint was needed. Still, it would be good to know a more exact price from the start. The job was done well, except in a few places where the new paint doesn't fully cover the old one. We understand that this happened due to time pressure. Everything was left nice and clean after the job was finished.”




Ausgeschrieben am



Looking to pain our new house before we move in.

Mengen- und Massangaben

Total wohnflaeche cca 160 meters square (4 bedrooms, living-dining area, entrance, 2.5 bathrooms)

Beschreibung der aktuellen Situation

Walls are in good condition, not dirty

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