renoveroHandwerkerverzeichniskika prompt service GmbHBuild a garden wall and with a small door

Build a garden wall and with a small door

Ausgeführt von


4 mag 2020
Borja C.
„Very good job, reliable and very prompt service! I would recommend it! ”




Ausgeschrieben am

20 apr 2020


I would like to put a wood fence at the back of my garden to have some privacy as at the moment it is quite open and walking pass neighbors can see everything.

Mengen- und Massangaben

The size of the area to be covered by the fence (wood or similar material) should be around 5.5 to 6 meters long and around 1.5 meters high.

Angaben zu den Materialien

I would preferable put a wooden fence by i am open to get advice if other material is a better option

Beschreibung der aktuellen Situation

I have some small trees/plants at the back of the garden where the fence should be installed. These trees can be easily removed.

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