renoveroHandwerkerverzeichnisKitchen tap and tap for Side by side fridge

Kitchen tap and tap for Side by side fridge




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Need to know if it is possible to hook up a side by side fridge to this divider tap. Do I need to install a tap? How much does it cost? Also would like to have a modern tap which blends the water and has the pull out function. How much does a tap and installation cost?

Angaben zu den Materialien

Blender tap with pull out function What ever is needed for the fitting of a side by side frige.(food center)

Beschreibung der aktuellen Situation

Would like to add some pictures but it does not work...... The tap under the sink comes out of the wall has two wheel taps to it, hot and cold. Two copper pipes goes up to the kitchen sink and two goes down to a divider. This divider has 4 outlets. Two are taken up by the hot and cold, one goes to the dishwasher, as I can see it one is free. Is it possible to put a tap on that one for a side by side fridge (with ice cube maker)? Does the water main need to be turned off or is it enough to turn the wheel taps under the sink? Also to exchange the tap in the sink, does the water main need to be turned off?

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